
5 Questions About Root Canal Treatments, Answered

If your dentist has informed you that a root canal may be necessary and you are feeling nervous, you aren’t alone, but the good news is this common procedure is safe, and not nearly as painful or unpleasant as you might think. The following are some frequently asked questions about root canals and what you can expect during and after the procedure.

If you are considering a root canal, you’re probably experiencing discomfort due to infection, and your dentist believes a root canal is the best option.

Why Would You Need A Root Canal?

Root canals are necessary when the pulp of the tooth becomes infected. Not only does the infected tooth cause pain, but the infection can also spread to neighboring tissues and into the jaw. This not only causes loss of the tooth but also creates other dental and health issues. A root canal eliminates the infection while saving the tooth.

What Happens During A Root Canal?

First, you’ll be prepped, and the area surrounding the affected tooth is numbed with an anesthetic. The procedure is frequently performed by your dentist unless it is a more complicated situation, in which case you’ll be referred to an endodontist.
During the procedure, the dentist works to remove infected tissues. Once complete, the canals are sealed with a substance called gutta percha. The tooth may be capped with a crown to strengthen it and restore appearance.

How Long Does It Take To Recover? Will You Be In Pain?

For the first few days after a root canal, you will likely experience some soreness and swelling. You can manage any discomfort with over-the-counter pain relief medication. It’s also vital that you follow any aftercare instructions closely to accelerate the healing process. Any pain or discomfort dissipate within a few days. Full healing of the site may take some time, but this is normal. Your tooth may feel “different” than your other teeth, which is also normal.

Are There Alternatives To A Root Canal?

If your dentist recommends a root canal, your only other option is to have the tooth extracted. Root canals are intended as an alternative to having the tooth pulled. If you want to save your tooth, a root canal is your best and, possibly, the only option.

I’ve Heard Horror Stories About Root Canals Gone Wrong. Are they a safe procedure?

Any medical or dental procedure involves some level of risk or complication. When it comes to root canals, they are a commonly performed and safe procedure with a very high success rate. Problems are rare when you choose a quality provider with a good reputation. It’s always a good idea to do some research when selecting a dentist to perform this procedure. And, it’s worth mentioning again that aftercare is essential for problem-free healing.

If you are struggling with tooth pain, or have been told you need a root canal or a tooth extraction, contact East River Dental. Call today at 905 895 8031 to book a consultation and join hundreds of other satisfied clients in the Newmarket area.

How to Ease Your Baby’s Teething Pains

Teething is a natural and inevitable stage of babyhood that is often distressing for both baby and parents. While some infants don’t appear to experience as much discomfort as others, most babies and toddlers do struggle with periodic pain, swelling, and irritability due to teething. Knowing that the pain and distress is a normal part of infant and toddler development may help to ease your concerns, but doesn’t relieve the pain, sleepless nights and fussiness. Fortunately, there are a number of tools and strategies that can help your baby feel better.

What Age Does Teething Start?
It depends on the child. Babies typically get their first tooth between six and nine months of age. However, teeth may show up as early as three months. The symptoms of teething may start to show weeks before the tooth erupts. Once teething starts, it’s an ongoing process throughout the baby and toddler stage.

What Are The Common Symptoms Of Teething?
Your baby may display all of these symptoms, or you may simply notice a tooth one day. Here are some of the most common symptoms:

  • Redness and swelling of the gums
  • Increased drooling
  • Restlessness and irritability
  • Changes in sleep
  • Increased need to suck, bite and chew
  • Lowered appetite
  • Fever

It’s important that you not confuse teething symptoms with other conditions. If your baby appears ill, even if he or she is teething, it’s best to consult your doctor. A high fever, diarrhea, listlessness or other symptoms warrant medical attention.

How To Relieve The Pain
Finding a remedy that best soothes your baby is often a matter of trial and error. If your child shows signs of discomfort and is gnawing and mouthing objects in an attempt to get relief, it’s important to provide teething objects that are sturdy, safe and provide pressure on the gums. This is often all your child will need to relieve any pain.

Cold is another tried and true form of relief. You can use teething rings and objects that are specially designed to go in the freezer or refrigerator. Frozen washcloths are a go-to for many parents. It’s important that anything used for teething is not small enough to be swallowed or choked on, and is used with supervision.  Some babies show an increased need for their mother’s breast, a bottle or pacifier, while others will push them away. Both are standard responses to teething discomfort. You can also massage your baby’s gums with a clean finger.

Finally, if your baby is in severe discomfort and the above treatments don’t bring relief, an over-the-counter pain reliever made for infants is another option. Be sure to consult with a physician before giving your child any medication.

What You Should Avoid
It’s important to ensure that baby doesn’t use anything for teething that he or she could choke on or that could be toxic. Now is also an excellent time to practice good dental habits. Wiping gums with a clean cloth after feeding is good practice. It’s important not to put your baby to sleep with a bottle, as pooling milk can cause tooth decay early on, and avoid sugary drinks and snacks.

If you have questions or concerns about your baby’s dental health, contact the professionals at East River Dental. Children should have their first dental appointment by twelve months of age, or within six months of their first tooth appearing. If you’d like to make an appointment with one of our dental professionals with extensive experience in child dentistry, please contact us. Call today at 905 895 8031 to book a consultation and join hundreds of other satisfied clients in the Newmarket area.